Forest Presbyterian ChurchForest Presbyterian Church


Our Mission Statement:

We are a welcoming family of God reaching out to all in the Spirit of Christ.

Our Vision Statement:

We are a benevolent, welcoming community

We are humble

We are Flexible

We are all insiders

We are devoted to accepting each other

Faithfulness to the gospel if ahead of self preservation

We continually reach out to the community, nation and the world

We are a strong unified church that listens, learns, communicates, works together and trust

We have an ecumenical spirit

We continually strive to grow spiritually.

We Reach Out to the Community

Forest Finds open Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1:00pm - 4:00pm; and Saturdays 9:00am - 12:00pm Our donation days are Mondays Thursdays and Saturdays 9-12noon

Ecumenical Offerings

Forest Presbyterian Church ..."A welcoming family of God reaching out to all in the Spirit of Christ"

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